How a hotel group upgraded to digital fire safety logbooks

A chain of mid-sized hotels located across the country with a total of 50 properties and thousands of guests per year made the switch - here's the use case.

The use of digital fire logbooks is becoming increasingly popular in the hospitality industry, as they offer many benefits over traditional paper-based logbooks. In this report, Tio shares how a chain of mid-sized hotels located across the country, with a total of 50 properties and thousands of guests per year, made the switch to digital fire logbooks and the benefits it experienced as a result.

Prior to switching to digital fire logbooks, the franchise was using traditional paper-based logbooks, which had several drawbacks. Firstly, paper-based logbooks were often difficult to read and interpret, especially when the entries were made in haste during busy periods. Additionally, the paper logbooks were often lost or damaged, and it was difficult to ensure that all entries were accurate, complete and up-to-date.

The franchise decided to switch to digital fire logbooks in order to address these issues, and they chose Tio Core because it would allow them to access the logbooks remotely, and to share the logbooks with the hotel management, contractors and the fire rescue service.

One of the biggest benefits that the franchise has experienced since switching to digital fire logbooks is improved accuracy and organisation of their fire safety records. With the digital system, all entries are made electronically, and they are automatically timestamped and stored securely in the cloud. This makes it much easier to track and verify information, and to ensure that all entries are accurate, correct and up-to-date across all properties.

A key benefit is the ability to share information with the hotel management and fire rescue service. With the cloud-based system, the franchise can provide secure access to the fire logbooks to the relevant parties, allowing them to view and review the records at any time. This allows for more efficient and timely communication in case of emergencies and makes fire safety inspections smoother.

Additionally, the franchise has seen an increase in staff engagement and fire safety awareness. With the digital system, staff can easily access the fire logbooks and read up on fire safety procedures, and they can also see the fire safety records of their property. This has encouraged more participation in fire drills and fire safety training among the staff across all properties.

Another major benefit is the cost savings associated with having digital logbooks, no need to have a large amount of paper logbooks, print them and store them, or paying someone to manually transfer the information to digital formats.

Overall, the franchise has seen significant benefits from switching to digital fire logbooks, including improved accuracy and organisation of fire safety records, better communication with the hotel management and fire rescue service, increased staff engagement and fire safety awareness, and cost savings. This use case illustrates how digital fire logbooks can bring many benefits to hospitality businesses and help them better manage fire safety in their properties.
