Create and Edit a user group

The video below will show you how to create a group with users that have access to the same premises in a premises group. User groups can contain users with different roles, the All Premises group is automatically created and will contain your Admin and any other User you add.

To Edit a User Group:

  • Select your organisation
  • Select People and User Groups
  • Select the User Group you wish to edit
  • Administrators can edit any user group and add new users or tick existing users and remove them
  • Editors and Contributors can NOT edit user groups
  • To change the name of the user group select the pencil icon next to the group name
  • To delete the user group select the bin icon next to the pencil icon
  • To view what premises these users have access to select the Premises Groups tab, changes to the premises group can then be made. For more information on Premises Groups click here.